My evolution

From the post 'The origins of abc' I tried to see how my personal alphabet changed with speed. By doing this I can directly see how the alphabet as a whole evolved from the letter A being drawn as an Ox to the mark we recognise it as today.

As outlined in my previous post, it suggestes writing the alphabet at different speeds. Starting with your most orecise handwriting and getting as fast as you can.

Capital lettered alphabet

When I wrote the alphabet in capital letters the difference is quite hard to see. There is clearly a change as I speed up that rate I write, but it is pretty minor.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

When I wrote this sentence (which contains all the letterforms in our alphabet) you can clearly see a change, my letters get more joined up and less legible. I can see how the alphabet evolved from more complex images to the quite simple marks we use today.

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